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Everwell, and our values

Updated: Mar 26, 2021

Hi everyone, we wanted to kick off our blog series by introducing and discussing our values at Everwell. We are a social enterprise that invents, designs, builds and deploys user-centric technology for healthcare programs across the world.

Values are critical to our work - on a daily basis, we design and build tools for a diverse set of users including patients, healthcare providers, and national governments implementing policies for work in public health. As we engage with partners, decide what projects to take on, build our team, and fulfill our social mission for impact, our values shape our decisions and the way we work.

At Everwell, our core values are:

  1. Impact at scale

  2. Dedication to users

  3. Data-driven approach

  4. Sustainability

  5. Reliability - excellence in our commitments

  6. Innovation - excellence in our products

Impact @ scale

The reason we get up in the morning, why we founded Everwell, and the overall driver for our work, is to empower organizations to see measurable impact toward curing diseases at scale. Impact is a complex metric to define, but we define it to mean measurable improvements in the livelihoods and recovery of patients and all of the dedicated healthcare staff working in public health. Scale is another important metric for us - while impact in studies, demonstrations, or other limited-setting environments is critical to understanding what might have impact at scale, given the immense burden of public health, we at Everwell focus on scaling those innovations and by default think: “can this work at scale?” before running with an idea.

Data-driven approach

We measure everything at Everwell, and refer to data constantly to measure our work, impact, and performance. Data must always be interpreted understanding the human implications - at Everwell we always seek to quantify our evaluations and assessment of our work through deep, thorough, and honest analysis of the data.

Dedication to users

Related to impact, dedication to understanding and designing for our users is central to how we work. In public health, there are a diverse set of stakeholders for our products, from patients suffering from life-altering and life-threatening diseases to policy makers looking to assess their programs’ overall performance. With that lens, we spend significant time in the field, work closely with domain experts in patient and survivor advocacy, counseling, human-centered design, and program management to build user profiles and get continuous feedback on our products. Technology in isolation is at best insufficient and at worst a distraction in the global fight for better healthcare - our dedication to users keeps us grounded that while technology can have enormous amplifying capacity, it has to be done with intense contextual awareness and only as a complement to the humans who use it. A challenge innovators in public health often face is social distance from the end user. While for many innovations, you can design for yourself because you are a peer to the user, in global public health, sometimes your intuition can be misleading as your users are often very different than yourself. To balance and inform decisions therefore, we rely on spending extensive time talking with users about designs or protocols.


Every innovation or project we work on must have a dedicated plan for sustainability, to ensure that even after our involvement ends, the impact does not. Depending on the work, this may mean open sourcing our technology or other developments, capacity building with other organizations to transition project work after an initial build phase, or integrating with existing software systems in a deployment environment.

Reliability - excellence in commitments

We strive with every engagement to build trust, reliability, and excellence in our relationships with partners and collaborators - this is a core value for every interaction and commitment we make to patients, partners, and programs with whom we work. Reliability comes in at every level: making realistic commitments, fulfilling those commitments, keeping to our core values, building stable and reliable products, and overall being a trusted partner in the public health community. Our internal mantra is often: under-promise, over-deliver.

Innovation - excellence in our products

We take great pride in the products we develop, and strive for the highest quality, stability, and reliability in everything we build, from lines of code to supporting documentation to training materials. In service to all of our other core values, the output of our work relies on tried-and-true methods where there is data to support, but always with room, and a mission, to question old norms to innovate new ideas for quality healthcare.

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